Daphne and the Flying Fish by Evelyn Albrow

This vessel takes place in a lush garden of wild women and giantesses, referring to the Boschian imagery in The Garden of Earthly Delights, where in the central panel there are female bathers and riders with fishes or on fishes.

The nymph Daphne, who was chased by god Apollo and turned into a laurel tree while crying out for help to the goddess Gaia, can be seen gallivanting among animals and female mythical creatures.

The scene depicted is set underneath seven glowing suns; Evelyn in this is referencing a film set in Chengdu, China, as well as a Chinese myth where cosmic archer Hou Yi shoots down nine of Earth’s 10 suns to stop the planet from burning up.

Stoneware vessel

64H x 27W cm



Additional information

Dimensions 27 × 64 cm



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