Every 28 days, when the moon vanishes into its own shadow, Prohairesis ascends. From the northern heavens, she pours forth a celestial ballet of crimson ribbons, captivating the world below. Humanity awaits; hearts held in suspense. Will her decree bring renewed life to Earth, or will it ignite new stars in the cosmos? The spectacle can unfold over many nights, culminating in her ultimate pronouncement.
Whether she favours Earth or the heavens, her choice is met with reverence andcelebration. The people understand the delicate balance – too much of either, and both may vanish. They are eternally grateful that this profound decision falls unto her celestial wisdom and not their own.
Glazed stoneware, slip and sgraffito decoration with 24ct gold lustre.
45H x 32W cm
© 2022 Copyright Alveston FIne Arts Limited.
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